GGSPro SolutionsRusts
*Rust pathogens are usually host specific and are identified by the spores they produce. Most rusts produce brown or orange spores while the Chrysanthemum White Rust produces white spores. Please consult with the GGSPro department for our technical bulletin on Chrysanthemum White Rust.
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Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin and Solatenol
Combining two active ingredients, this broad-spectrum, translaminar systemic fungicide is labeled for use on many ornamental and edible crops in greenhouses, shade and lath houses, outdoor nurseries and field grown ornamentals. Labeled for both protective and curative treatments for foliar including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, Entomosporium, powdery mildew, rust and many more. Root diseases include Fusarium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, and Sclerotinia. Do not use with a organosilicone surfactant.
Foliar spray rates: 1/4-1/2 tsp per gal or 4-7 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 2-3 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use in NY
*Not registered in CA, HI
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Combining two active ingredients, this broad-spectrum, translaminar systemic fungicide is labeled for use on many ornamental and edible crops in greenhouses, shade and lath houses, outdoor nurseries and field grown ornamentals. Labeled for both protective and curative treatments for foliar including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, Entomosporium, powdery mildew, rust and many more. Root diseases include Fusarium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, and Sclerotinia. Do not use with a organosilicone surfactant.
Foliar spray rates: 1/4-1/2 tsp per gal or 4-7 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 2-3 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use in NY
*Not registered in CA, HI
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Boscalid and Pyraclostrobin
Broad spectrum fungicide combining two active ingredients for foliar and root diseases on ornamentals in greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes and nurseries. Foliar diseases include Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, aerial Phytophthora, powdery mildew, rust and scab. Root and crown rots include Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia. Plant health benefits include increased cold, heat and drought tolerance.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-18 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 1-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 12-18 oz per 100 gal.
*Do not use with organo-silicon surfactants such as CapSil.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Not registered in CA
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Broad spectrum fungicide combining two active ingredients for foliar and root diseases on ornamentals in greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes and nurseries. Foliar diseases include Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, aerial Phytophthora, powdery mildew, rust and scab. Root and crown rots include Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia. Plant health benefits include increased cold, heat and drought tolerance.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-18 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 1-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 12-18 oz per 100 gal.
*Do not use with organo-silicon surfactants such as CapSil.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Not registered in CA
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin
A broad-spectrum, contact and xylem-mobile systemic strobiluron fungicide, labeled for use as a foliar spray or drench on ornamentals as well as many vegetable and herb transplants in greenhouses, container or field-grown crops and other locations. It controls many diseases including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia, and scab.
Foliar spray rates: 1 tsp per 2.5-5 gal or 1-4 oz per gal 100 gal.
Drench rate: 0.2-0.9 oz per 100 gal.
Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant. Do not use through low volume equipment.
*Restricted use pesticide in VT
MOA = 11
REI = 4
A broad-spectrum, contact and xylem-mobile systemic strobiluron fungicide, labeled for use as a foliar spray or drench on ornamentals as well as many vegetable and herb transplants in greenhouses, container or field-grown crops and other locations. It controls many diseases including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia, and scab.
Foliar spray rates: 1 tsp per 2.5-5 gal or 1-4 oz per gal 100 gal.
Drench rate: 0.2-0.9 oz per 100 gal.
Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant. Do not use through low volume equipment.
*Restricted use pesticide in VT
MOA = 11
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Copper Octanoate
Copper based fungicide/bactericide. Controls anthracnose, Alternaria, Cylindrocladium, powdery mildew, certain bacterial leaf spots and more. Labeled for use under field conditions, greenhouses, nurseries, interiorscapes and landscapes. Many edible crops on the label.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-2 oz per gal or 1/2-2 gal per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
*Not registered in HI, MT, WY
MOA = M1
REI = 4
Copper based fungicide/bactericide. Controls anthracnose, Alternaria, Cylindrocladium, powdery mildew, certain bacterial leaf spots and more. Labeled for use under field conditions, greenhouses, nurseries, interiorscapes and landscapes. Many edible crops on the label.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-2 oz per gal or 1/2-2 gal per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
*Not registered in HI, MT, WY
MOA = M1
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
Translaminar systemic copper bactericide and fungicide. Preventative and curative activity against major diseases such as Alternaria, Botrytis, powdery mildew, Phytophthora, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas. Labeled for use on ornamentals and many edible crops in greenhouses and nurseries. Apply as a spray or drench.
Foliar spray rates: 3/4-3 tsp per gal or 13-50 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 13-35 oz per 100 gal.
See label cautions about interactions with B-Nine and phosphonate fungicides.
MOA = M1
REI = 48
Translaminar systemic copper bactericide and fungicide. Preventative and curative activity against major diseases such as Alternaria, Botrytis, powdery mildew, Phytophthora, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas. Labeled for use on ornamentals and many edible crops in greenhouses and nurseries. Apply as a spray or drench.
Foliar spray rates: 3/4-3 tsp per gal or 13-50 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 13-35 oz per 100 gal.
See label cautions about interactions with B-Nine and phosphonate fungicides.
MOA = M1
REI = 48
Active Ingredient: Mancozeb
Turf and ornamental fungicide. Controls petal blight, leaf spot, Botrytis, anthracnose, rust, and black spot on roses, azaleas, mums and many other ornamentals. Tank mix with copper products for even greater control of bacterial diseases.
Labeled for certain vegetable transplants.
*Do not use on marigolds.
Foliar spray rates: 1 Tbls per gal or 1.5 lb per 100 gal.
*Not registered in AK, CT, OH
Turf and ornamental fungicide. Controls petal blight, leaf spot, Botrytis, anthracnose, rust, and black spot on roses, azaleas, mums and many other ornamentals. Tank mix with copper products for even greater control of bacterial diseases.
Labeled for certain vegetable transplants.
*Do not use on marigolds.
Foliar spray rates: 1 Tbls per gal or 1.5 lb per 100 gal.
*Not registered in AK, CT, OH
Active Ingredient: Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
Translaminar systemic copper bactericide and fungicide. Preventative and curative activity against major diseases such as Alternaria, Botrytis, powdery mildew, Phytophthora, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas. Labeled for use on ornamentals and many edible crops in greenhouses and nurseries. Apply as a spray or drench.
Foliar spray rates: 3/4-3 tsp per gal or 13-50 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 13-35 oz per 100 gal.
See label cautions about interactions with B-Nine and phosphonate fungicides.
MOA = M1
REI = 48
Translaminar systemic copper bactericide and fungicide. Preventative and curative activity against major diseases such as Alternaria, Botrytis, powdery mildew, Phytophthora, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas. Labeled for use on ornamentals and many edible crops in greenhouses and nurseries. Apply as a spray or drench.
Foliar spray rates: 3/4-3 tsp per gal or 13-50 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 13-35 oz per 100 gal.
See label cautions about interactions with B-Nine and phosphonate fungicides.
MOA = M1
REI = 48
Active Ingredient: Trifloxystrobin
Broad spectrum translaminar strobilurin foliar disease control for nursery, greenhouse, and interiorscape use. Compass provides long residual control of many foliar diseases including downy mildew, powdery mildew, Botrytis, rust, black spot and many other leaf spot and blight diseases. *Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant such as Capsil.
Foliar spray rates: 1/5 tsp-2/3 tsp per 2 gal or 1-4 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in HI, NY
MOA = 11
REI = 12
Broad spectrum translaminar strobilurin foliar disease control for nursery, greenhouse, and interiorscape use. Compass provides long residual control of many foliar diseases including downy mildew, powdery mildew, Botrytis, rust, black spot and many other leaf spot and blight diseases. *Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant such as Capsil.
Foliar spray rates: 1/5 tsp-2/3 tsp per 2 gal or 1-4 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in HI, NY
MOA = 11
REI = 12
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Myclobutanil
Foliar fungicide for the control of powdery mildew, rust, scab and other diseases. Can be used on ornamentals outdoors, in greenhouses, and on some non-bearing fruit trees and vine crops. Eagle is locally systemic, with curative and protectant activity.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-3/4 tsp per gal or 6-12 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY. Cannot be used in Suffolk and Nassau County, NY
MOA = 3
REI = 24
Active Ingredient: Myclobutanil
Foliar fungicide for the control of powdery mildew, rust, scab and other diseases. Can be used on ornamentals outdoors, in greenhouses, and on some non-bearing fruit trees and vine crops. Eagle is locally systemic, with curative and protectant activity.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-3/4 tsp per gal or 6-12 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY. Cannot be used in Suffolk and Nassau County, NY
MOA = 3
REI = 24
Active Ingredient: Boscalid and Pyraclostrobin
Broad spectrum fungicide combining two active ingredients for foliar and root diseases on ornamentals in greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes and nurseries. Foliar diseases include Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, aerial Phytophthora, powdery mildew, rust and scab. Root and crown rots include Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia. Plant health benefits include increased cold, heat and drought tolerance.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-18 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 1-11/2 tsp per gal or 12-18 oz per 100 gal.
*Do not use with organo-silicon surfactants such as CapSil.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Nor registered in CA
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Broad spectrum fungicide combining two active ingredients for foliar and root diseases on ornamentals in greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes and nurseries. Foliar diseases include Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, downy mildew, aerial Phytophthora, powdery mildew, rust and scab. Root and crown rots include Cylindrocladium, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia. Plant health benefits include increased cold, heat and drought tolerance.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-18 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 1-11/2 tsp per gal or 12-18 oz per 100 gal.
*Do not use with organo-silicon surfactants such as CapSil.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Nor registered in CA
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Propiconzole and Chlorothanonil
Combination of systemic and contact fungicides that provide broad-spectrum control of many important plant diseases on ornamentals and conifers. Foliar sprays control: Ascochyta, Alternaria, Anthracnose, Botrytis, Cercospora, Diplodia, powdery mildew, Septoria, rust and many more. Labeled for use in field and container grown ornamentals in nurseries, lath and shade houses, landscape plantings and specific turf sites. *Do not use in greenhouses.* *Warnings: Do not apply to African violets, begonias, Boston fern, geraniums, pittosporum or schefflera along with Knock Out and Double Delight roses. Damage may occur when used on plants in bud, bloom or with tender new growth. WPS requirements in effect for the next 6 1/2 days. Consult label for details.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-4 1/8 tsp per gal or 9-69 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in HI
MOA = 3/M5
REI = 12
Combination of systemic and contact fungicides that provide broad-spectrum control of many important plant diseases on ornamentals and conifers. Foliar sprays control: Ascochyta, Alternaria, Anthracnose, Botrytis, Cercospora, Diplodia, powdery mildew, Septoria, rust and many more. Labeled for use in field and container grown ornamentals in nurseries, lath and shade houses, landscape plantings and specific turf sites. *Do not use in greenhouses.* *Warnings: Do not apply to African violets, begonias, Boston fern, geraniums, pittosporum or schefflera along with Knock Out and Double Delight roses. Damage may occur when used on plants in bud, bloom or with tender new growth. WPS requirements in effect for the next 6 1/2 days. Consult label for details.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-4 1/8 tsp per gal or 9-69 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in HI
MOA = 3/M5
REI = 12
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Fluxapyroxad and Pyraclostrobin
Liquid suspension concentrate. Foliar spray controls Botrytis, downy mildew, powdery mildew and many leaf spot diseases, crown rots, and stem blights. Soil drenches provide preventative control of Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia; suppression of Phytophthora, Pythium and Thielaviopsis. For use on ornamental plants in greenhouses, shade houses, lathhouses, outdoor nurseries, retail nurseries and landscapes. May discolor petunia or impatiens blooms and stunt carnations, dianthus, impatiens, and violas.
Foliar spray rates: 1/4-2/3 tsp for most diseases or 4-10 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rate: 1/2-2/3 tsp per gal or 8-10 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use in NY. Prohibited in Nassau and Suffolk County, NY.
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Fluxapyroxad and Pyraclostrobin
Liquid suspension concentrate. Foliar spray controls Botrytis, downy mildew, powdery mildew and many leaf spot diseases, crown rots, and stem blights. Soil drenches provide preventative control of Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and Sclerotinia; suppression of Phytophthora, Pythium and Thielaviopsis. For use on ornamental plants in greenhouses, shade houses, lathhouses, outdoor nurseries, retail nurseries and landscapes. May discolor petunia or impatiens blooms and stunt carnations, dianthus, impatiens, and violas.
Foliar spray rates: 1/4-2/3 tsp for most diseases or 4-10 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rate: 1/2-2/3 tsp per gal or 8-10 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use in NY. Prohibited in Nassau and Suffolk County, NY.
MOA = 7/11
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin
A broad-spectrum, contact and xylem-mobile systemic strobiluron fungicide, labeled for use as a foliar spray or drench on ornamentals as well as many vegetable and herb transplants in greenhouses, container or field-grown crops and other locations. It controls many diseases including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia, and scab.
Foliar spray rates: 1 tsp per 2.5-5 gal or 1-4 oz per gal 100 gal.
Drench rate: 0.2-0.9 oz per 100 gal.
Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant. Do not use through low volume equipment.
*Restricted use pesticide in VT
MOA = 11
REI = 4
A broad-spectrum, contact and xylem-mobile systemic strobiluron fungicide, labeled for use as a foliar spray or drench on ornamentals as well as many vegetable and herb transplants in greenhouses, container or field-grown crops and other locations. It controls many diseases including Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia, and scab.
Foliar spray rates: 1 tsp per 2.5-5 gal or 1-4 oz per gal 100 gal.
Drench rate: 0.2-0.9 oz per 100 gal.
Do not use with an organosilicone surfactant. Do not use through low volume equipment.
*Restricted use pesticide in VT
MOA = 11
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Thiophanate-Methyl & Chlorothalonil
Labeled for greenhouses, interiorscapes, nurseries and turf. Controls Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Rhizoctonia, powdery mildew, rusts, scabs and more.
Foliar spray rates: 1-2 Tbls per gal or 1-2 lb per 100 gal. 12 hr REI with additional WPS requirements for the next 6 1/2 days. Consult label for details.
*Restricted use pesticide in MA & NY
*Not registered in AK, SD
MOA = 1+M5
REI = 12
Labeled for greenhouses, interiorscapes, nurseries and turf. Controls Alternaria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Rhizoctonia, powdery mildew, rusts, scabs and more.
Foliar spray rates: 1-2 Tbls per gal or 1-2 lb per 100 gal. 12 hr REI with additional WPS requirements for the next 6 1/2 days. Consult label for details.
*Restricted use pesticide in MA & NY
*Not registered in AK, SD
MOA = 1+M5
REI = 12