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Added to irrigation water to neutralize excess alkalinity and/or reduce soil pH. Contact GGSPro for rates and precautions.
Added to irrigation water to neutralize excess alkalinity and/or reduce soil pH. Contact GGSPro for rates and precautions.
Nature's Source Professional Plant Food 10-4-3 brings out the best in everything you grow. Imagine better-toned plants, earlier flowering and darker foliage with just one single liquid formula. In addition to N-P-K, Nature's Source contains Boost Molecules (amino acids) as well as calcium and magnesium, to improve your plants' performance.
Applied as a foliar spray to safely add calcium to plant tissue.
The plant food your organic crop needs for quick response and healthy growth. Derived from oilseed extract, a renewable source of plant nutrition. Allowed for use in certified organic production in accordance with the USDA National Organics Program. Low salt formulation can be applied to foliage without burning or stretch. Liquid formulation mixes easily with cold water and can be injected into irrigation systems straight from the container. Pathogen-free, heavy metal free, GMO free, food safety certified.
Sprint 330 and Sprint 138 are strong chelated forms of iron that maintain and protect iron availability. Sprint 138 is more effective when soil pH is higher than 6.5. Apply as soil drench at 3-5 oz./100 gal. (rinse excess off leaves & flowers immediately following drench.) For specific usage information including pictures please ask for a copy of the bulletin titled, "Iron Deficiency in Greenhouse Crops" by Paul Fisher, UNH and Rick Yates, Griffin Greenhouse Supplies.
Applied as a soil drench to drop soil pH and in the case of hydrangeas also provides the aluminum required for blue flower color.
Applied as a foliar spray to safely add calcium to plant tissue.
A completely soluble grade of calcium chloride that can be used to prevent leaf or bract edge burn on poinsettias. Recommended application of 200-400 ppm Ca, applied to foliage at weekly intervals once bracts begin to show color.
CalOx is an easy and effective alternative to bagged lime for use on all types of agricultural field crops, greenhouse ornamentals and vegetable crops, as well as outside nursery and hay fields. It features finely micronized calcium in a liquid suspension that can be absorbed by leaves and roots.
General Guidelines: Moderate pH increase: 1:100 injection undiluted
Large pH increase 1:50 injection undiluted
*Direct Ship only, plus freight
General Guidelines: Moderate pH increase: 1:100 injection undiluted
Large pH increase 1:50 injection undiluted
*Direct Ship only, plus freight
Potassium Bicarbonate is used to quickly and safely raise soil pH. It is easily applied through fertilizer injector and leaves no visible residue.
Dolomitic Limestone can be used to raise the pH (decrease acidity and increase alkalinity) of soil and soiless media by incorporating prior to planting.
Liquid, citric acid based product for use as an organic option for adjusting solution pH and managing media pH. Contains 50% citric acid and a yucca-based, natural wetting agent. Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) approved for use in organic production. Review label for recommended rates.
MycoApply mycorrhizae are mixes of beneficial fungi which colonize the roots of plants and become a functional part of the roots. The increased effective root mass provides for more efficient water and nutrient uptake, increasing the ability of the plant to withstand stresses and establish more quickly. Ninety-five percent of plants form these symbiotic relationships with soil mycorrhizae in nature. The majority utilize the Endo(interior) mycorrhizae, but many types of trees utilize the Ecto(exterior) forms. The colonization and benefits last the lifetime of the plant. MycoApply is supplied as a granular formulation for field and soil incorporation, a suspendable powder for soil incorporation or drench application, or as the Soluble Maxx formulation.
Provides manganese for nutrient solutions or for soil application.
MycoApply mycorrhizae are mixes of beneficial fungi which colonize the roots of plants and become a functional part of the roots. The increased effective root mass provides for more efficient water and nutrient uptake, increasing the ability of the plant to withstand stresses and establish more quickly. Ninety-five percent of plants form these symbiotic relationships with soil mycorrhizae in nature. The majority utilize the Endo(interior) mycorrhizae, but many types of trees utilize the Ecto(exterior) forms. The colonization and benefits last the lifetime of the plant. MycoApply is supplied as a granular formulation for field and soil incorporation, a suspendable powder for soil incorporation or drench application, or as the Soluble Maxx formulation.
A powdered blend of scientifically selected beneficial bacterial and fungal spores to improve soil characteristics and plant stress tolerance.
*Increases the availability and absorption of macro/micro nutrients
*Stimulates root development/reduces transplant shock
*Promotes systemic plant resistance to stress
*Completely water soluble for easy irrigation applications
*Guaranteed one-year shelf life
*Use with TerraClean 5.0 for a complete organic soil treatment program
*Quickly re-establishes beneficial bacteria/fungal populations in and around root zone
*Increases the availability and absorption of macro/micro nutrients
*Stimulates root development/reduces transplant shock
*Promotes systemic plant resistance to stress
*Completely water soluble for easy irrigation applications
*Guaranteed one-year shelf life
*Use with TerraClean 5.0 for a complete organic soil treatment program
*Quickly re-establishes beneficial bacteria/fungal populations in and around root zone
Used as a source of copper for plant nutrition soilutions, or for application to soil.
Calcium nitrate (PureCal) is a fully water soluble fertilizer, that is a highly efficient sources of available calcium and nitrogen for plants under all growth conditions. It is a highly pure, white, fine crystal that is easily dissolved in water.
Suited for application through all fertigation and foliar application systems - drip systems, low volume sprinklers, center pivots and spray units.
As calcium is not mobile in the plant, it has to be continuously supplied throughout the growth season to keep adequate levels in the plant tissues and to ensure proper development. The nitrate nitrogen is readily absorbed by the plant and improves the efficiency of calcium uptake.
Suited for application through all fertigation and foliar application systems - drip systems, low volume sprinklers, center pivots and spray units.
As calcium is not mobile in the plant, it has to be continuously supplied throughout the growth season to keep adequate levels in the plant tissues and to ensure proper development. The nitrate nitrogen is readily absorbed by the plant and improves the efficiency of calcium uptake.
Plantex 10-52-10 is a fully soluble starter formulation that supplies the necessary high phosphorus levels for young plants to initiate rapid root development. A very safe fertilizer with a low salt index, contains no sulphates or harmful chlorides. Use when transplanting seedlings or bedding plants or whenever a high phosphorus fertilizer is required.
Plantex 10-52-10 High P fertilizer provides a high level of phosphorus necessary to the growth of the root system of the young seedlings. Contrary to most of the starters, Plantex 10-52-10 Starter fertilizer is highly soluble. It does not contain any sulphate or chloride and its low salt index makes it a very safe fertilizer for the young seedlings.
-Transplanting of seedlings or annuals
-At the field transplanting of vegetable planting material
-Greenhouse crops when a high level of phosphorus is required
Plantex 10-52-10 High P fertilizer provides a high level of phosphorus necessary to the growth of the root system of the young seedlings. Contrary to most of the starters, Plantex 10-52-10 Starter fertilizer is highly soluble. It does not contain any sulphate or chloride and its low salt index makes it a very safe fertilizer for the young seedlings.
-Transplanting of seedlings or annuals
-At the field transplanting of vegetable planting material
-Greenhouse crops when a high level of phosphorus is required
A powdered blend of scientifically selected beneficial bacterial and fungal spores to improve soil characteristics and plant stress tolerance.
*Increases the availability and absorption of macro/micro nutrients
*Stimulates root development/reduces transplant shock
*Promotes systemic plant resistance to stress
*Completely water soluble for easy irrigation applications
*Guaranteed one-year shelf life
*Use with TerraClean 5.0 for a complete organic soil treatment program
*Quickly re-establishes beneficial bacteria/fungal populations in and around root zone
*Increases the availability and absorption of macro/micro nutrients
*Stimulates root development/reduces transplant shock
*Promotes systemic plant resistance to stress
*Completely water soluble for easy irrigation applications
*Guaranteed one-year shelf life
*Use with TerraClean 5.0 for a complete organic soil treatment program
*Quickly re-establishes beneficial bacteria/fungal populations in and around root zone
Granular urea is a cost-effective, highly concentrated and highly efficient source of available nitrogen. Provides strong, sustained and lush green growth. Can be applied to the soil, in solution or to certain crops as a foliar spray.
Iron deficiency is a problem in several crops, particularly in conditions of high pH. Iron chelated with EDTA can be used to correct iron deficiency in ornamentals, turf, and fruit trees. Can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench to crops such as chrysanthemums, gardenia, hydrangea, rose, azalea, holly rhododendron, turf, and fruit trees.
The Plant-Prod MJ line of fertilizers was designed to bring our 70 years of experience to the cannabis growers of today. Plant-Prod by Plantex is excited to provide licensed growers of medical marijuana products that are scientifically optimized, consistent and completely soluble.
Nature's Source Professional Plant Food 10-4-3 brings out the best in everything you grow. Imagine better-toned plants, earlier flowering and darker foliage with just one single liquid formula. In addition to N-P-K, Nature's Source contains Boost Molecules (amino acids) as well as calcium and magnesium, to improve your plants' performance.
Simple and sustainable for stand-out woodies and ornamentals. Specially formulated for professional growers and equally effective on professional landscapes. Feeds the plants and feeds the soil with beneficial microbial growth.
Potassium Bicarbonate is used to quickly and safely raise soil pH. It is easily applied through fertilizer injector and leaves no visible residue.
SoluPotasse, Tessenderlo Group's soluble potassium sulphate, is recommended for use in all kinds of fertigation systems and foliar applications.
Simple and sustainable for stand-out woodies and ornamentals. Specially formulated for professional growers and equally effective on professional landscapes. Feeds the plants and feeds the soil with beneficial microbial growth.