CEA Greenhouse Tips


Fine-Tune With Foggers

The use of ultra-low volume (ULV) application technology, also known as fogging, has become commonplace in ornamental production...

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EVO AC Poly Film

Think about poly film for your CEA crops. Greenhouse poly film is a workhorse as a greenhouse covering, commonly used ...

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Apogee Light Meters

When it comes to growing plants, there is little that is more important than supplying adequate light photosynthesis. But how...

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Shore Flies and BASF Nematodes

Shore flies are controlled using Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes, such as the Millenium Beneficial Nematode product...

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Pro-Mix CX Grow Bags

Cannabis growers have many options when it comes to growing media. Over recent years, both coir and pre-filled grow bags have...

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Lubing Systems – Plastic Evaporative Cooling Pads

Pad and fan cooling systems have been used in greenhouses for nearly 100 years ...

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Azadirachtin: how is it different from Neem oil, and how can we best utilize it?

Many growers may think that “azadirachtin” and “neem oil” pesticides are ...

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Choose the Right Fertilizer for Your Cannabis

Choosing the right fertilizer for your cannabis crop can seem like a daunting task ...

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J R Peter’s Part A Updates

Though farmers have been using straight fertilizers (elemental products ...

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MilStop SP: How it works and best practices

Effective pesticides come with many different active ingredients. For example ...

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Tri Plane LED Light Fixture from P. L . Light Systems

New and innovative design developments regularly occur in LED technology for horticultural ...

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Grodan Improved Hugo

Irrigation is a difficult topic and can be made even more complicated when switching between medias. Special considerations need to be ...

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Shore fly treatments for CEA

Shore fly (Scatella stagnalis) is a species of greenhouse nuisance fly that thrives in overwatered...

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From the Outside In: Easy Methods for Controlling Cross-Contamination

Acknowledging that you and your employees are vectors for contaminates is the first step in...

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Algae in the production area
and how to treat it

Hydroponic systems and plant production greenhouses provide all the necessary elements...

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Lambert and Media Qualities

Choosing which potting mix to use can be a complicated task. With so many companies and mixes available on the market...

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Bioline Aphid Control

Beneficial insects, also called biological control agents, are available to control a wide range of common greenhouse pests...

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Terpenes and The Hemp Mine

As the hemp and cannabis market has expanded and matured, more growers and consumers are broadening their knowledge...

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Light Deprivation Systems

Horticultural light deprivation is the practice of physically excluding light from reaching a crop in production. Inside of grow rooms...

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Photoperiodism and nighttime interruption in CEA crops

Photoperiodism refers to the sensitivity of a crop to the length of lighting cycles during production...

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IPM Month

The Department of Pesticide Regulation is working with partners across the state of California to accelerate a transition...

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Vermiculite Alert

Times are tough for the media and soil industries. As with many products, international shipping issues are causing problems...

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Dosatron Injectors

Automation of nutrient and acid delivery is a big attraction in injector use. Users make up a single batch of concentrated...