GGSPro SolutionsAphids
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Active Ingredient: Cyantraniliprole
Foliar and systemic insecticide for use on ornamental plants, shrubs and trees grown in greenhouses and nurseries, shade houses, lath houses, commercial landscapes, and interiorscapes. Controls aphids, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers, thrips and others. Can be used as spray or drench (containers only).
Foliar Spray Rates: 1/8-2 tsp per 2 gal or 1-16 oz per 100 gal.
Drench Rates: 1/2-3/4 tsp per gal or 8-12 oz per 100 gal. See the label for drench volumes.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*No outdoor use on LI
*Not registered in HI
MOA = 28
REI = 4
Foliar and systemic insecticide for use on ornamental plants, shrubs and trees grown in greenhouses and nurseries, shade houses, lath houses, commercial landscapes, and interiorscapes. Controls aphids, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers, thrips and others. Can be used as spray or drench (containers only).
Foliar Spray Rates: 1/8-2 tsp per 2 gal or 1-16 oz per 100 gal.
Drench Rates: 1/2-3/4 tsp per gal or 8-12 oz per 100 gal. See the label for drench volumes.
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*No outdoor use on LI
*Not registered in HI
MOA = 28
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Spirotetramat
Kontos is a broad spectrum miticide/insecticide that has true systemic activity. It can be applied as a spray or a drench and includes many vegetable transplants on the label. From a foliar spray it controls: aphids, mealybugs, scale, whiteflies and others.
Drench applications add spider mite and thrips control.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 tsp per 5 gal or 1.7-3.4 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates and volumes per the label. 0 hr REI for drenches if conditions are met. Kontos damages dracaena, geraniums, verbena and other crops. See label for complete list of phyto concerns.
MOA = 23
REI = 24
Kontos is a broad spectrum miticide/insecticide that has true systemic activity. It can be applied as a spray or a drench and includes many vegetable transplants on the label. From a foliar spray it controls: aphids, mealybugs, scale, whiteflies and others.
Drench applications add spider mite and thrips control.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 tsp per 5 gal or 1.7-3.4 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates and volumes per the label. 0 hr REI for drenches if conditions are met. Kontos damages dracaena, geraniums, verbena and other crops. See label for complete list of phyto concerns.
MOA = 23
REI = 24
Active Ingredient: Pyrifluquinazon
Quickly stops insect pests from feeding. Used as a foliar spray to control aphids, chilli thrips, leafhoppers, mealybugs, and whitefly. Has contact and translaminar activity with good flower and bract safety. Labeled for use in greenhouses only.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 tsp per 5 gal or 1.6-3.2 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in FL, NY, SD.
*NOT labeled for outdoor use.
MOA = 9B
REI = 12
Quickly stops insect pests from feeding. Used as a foliar spray to control aphids, chilli thrips, leafhoppers, mealybugs, and whitefly. Has contact and translaminar activity with good flower and bract safety. Labeled for use in greenhouses only.
Foliar spray rates: 1/2-1 tsp per 5 gal or 1.6-3.2 oz per 100 gal.
*Not registered in FL, NY, SD.
*NOT labeled for outdoor use.
MOA = 9B
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Acetamiprid
Translaminar systemic insecticide for use on ornamentals and certain vegetable transplants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses and outdoor nurseries. Applied as a foliar spray for aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies and other insect pests. Excellent plant safety including poinsettia bracts. *Do not use on verbena.* Allows a one-time drench to greenhouse grown tomatoes. See label for rates.
Foliar spray rates: Rates vary by pest: 1/4-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 4-25 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in MD & NY
*Not registered in ND, WY
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
Translaminar systemic insecticide for use on ornamentals and certain vegetable transplants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses and outdoor nurseries. Applied as a foliar spray for aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies and other insect pests. Excellent plant safety including poinsettia bracts. *Do not use on verbena.* Allows a one-time drench to greenhouse grown tomatoes. See label for rates.
Foliar spray rates: Rates vary by pest: 1/4-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 4-25 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in MD & NY
*Not registered in ND, WY
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Acephate
Broad-spectrum, translaminar systemic insecticide/miticide for use on certain tree, shrub, floral and foliage crops. Labeled sites include greenhouses, nurseries and landscapes.
Foliar spray rates: 1/3-1 1/3 tsp per gal; 0.25-1 lb per 100 gal
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Not registered in AK
MOA = 1B
REI = 24
Broad-spectrum, translaminar systemic insecticide/miticide for use on certain tree, shrub, floral and foliage crops. Labeled sites include greenhouses, nurseries and landscapes.
Foliar spray rates: 1/3-1 1/3 tsp per gal; 0.25-1 lb per 100 gal
*Restricted use pesticide in NY
*Not registered in AK
MOA = 1B
REI = 24
Active Ingredient: Thiamethoxam
Flagship offers contact, translaminar systemic and systemic control of many greenhouse and nursery pests, including aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, whiteflies and others. Applied as a foliar spray, it is rapidly absorbed into the leaf tissue yielding 2 to 4 weeks residual control from one foliar application. When applied as a drench, Flagship is absorbed by the roots and is translocated to new tissue. Drench applications can provide systemic control for 6-8 weeks. Certain vegetable transplants are on the label. Consult label for spray rates that vary by pest and crop.
Foliar spray rates and Drench rates: 1/2-1 tsp per gal or 4-8.5 oz. per 100 gal. Drench volumes found on the label.
*Restricted use pesticide in CT, MA, MD & NY
*Prohibited in Suffolk and Nassau County, NY
*NY use limited to Christmas trees and greenhouses
*Not registered in SD
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
Flagship offers contact, translaminar systemic and systemic control of many greenhouse and nursery pests, including aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, whiteflies and others. Applied as a foliar spray, it is rapidly absorbed into the leaf tissue yielding 2 to 4 weeks residual control from one foliar application. When applied as a drench, Flagship is absorbed by the roots and is translocated to new tissue. Drench applications can provide systemic control for 6-8 weeks. Certain vegetable transplants are on the label. Consult label for spray rates that vary by pest and crop.
Foliar spray rates and Drench rates: 1/2-1 tsp per gal or 4-8.5 oz. per 100 gal. Drench volumes found on the label.
*Restricted use pesticide in CT, MA, MD & NY
*Prohibited in Suffolk and Nassau County, NY
*NY use limited to Christmas trees and greenhouses
*Not registered in SD
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Kinoprene
Insect growth regulator for control of root mealybugs, soft and armored scale, whitefly, aphid, thrips and fungus gnat larvae. Root mealybugs are controlled by submersing the pot, fungus gnat larvae controlled by soil drench, all others controlled by foliar sprays. Recommended for use on ornamentals in greenhouses, shade houses and interiorscapes.
Foliar spray rates: 1-2 tsp per gal or 16-32 oz per 100 gal. Repeat every 14 days.
*Not registered in AK
*Not labeled for outdoor use
MOA = 7A
REI = 4
Insect growth regulator for control of root mealybugs, soft and armored scale, whitefly, aphid, thrips and fungus gnat larvae. Root mealybugs are controlled by submersing the pot, fungus gnat larvae controlled by soil drench, all others controlled by foliar sprays. Recommended for use on ornamentals in greenhouses, shade houses and interiorscapes.
Foliar spray rates: 1-2 tsp per gal or 16-32 oz per 100 gal. Repeat every 14 days.
*Not registered in AK
*Not labeled for outdoor use
MOA = 7A
REI = 4
** Ships from Griffin Woodridge IL
Active Ingredient: Beauveria bassiana strain GHA
Emulsifiable suspension mycoinsecticide. A naturally occurring fungus for use in controlling whitefly, aphids and thrips on greenhouse crops, ornamentals, herbs and vegetables. For indoor/outdoor nursery, greenhouse and landscape use.
Foliar spray rates: 2-4 tsp per gal or 32-64 oz per 100 gal.
*May damage tomatoes
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Beauveria bassiana strain GHA
Emulsifiable suspension mycoinsecticide. A naturally occurring fungus for use in controlling whitefly, aphids and thrips on greenhouse crops, ornamentals, herbs and vegetables. For indoor/outdoor nursery, greenhouse and landscape use.
Foliar spray rates: 2-4 tsp per gal or 32-64 oz per 100 gal.
*May damage tomatoes
REI = 4
** Ships from Griffin Woodridge IL
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Acetamiprid
Translaminar systemic insecticide for use on ornamentals and certain vegetable transplants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses and outdoor nurseries. Applied as a foliar spray for aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies and other insect pests. Excellent plant safety including poinsettia bracts. Do not use on verbena. Allows a one-time drench to greenhouse grown tomatoes. See label for rates.
Foliar spray rates: Rates vary by pest: 1/4-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 4-25 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in MD & NY
*Not registered in ND, WY
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
Translaminar systemic insecticide for use on ornamentals and certain vegetable transplants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses and outdoor nurseries. Applied as a foliar spray for aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies and other insect pests. Excellent plant safety including poinsettia bracts. Do not use on verbena. Allows a one-time drench to greenhouse grown tomatoes. See label for rates.
Foliar spray rates: Rates vary by pest: 1/4-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 4-25 oz per 100 gal.
*Restricted use pesticide in MD & NY
*Not registered in ND, WY
MOA = 4A
REI = 12
** Ships from Griffin Woodridge IL
Active Ingredient: Beauveria bassiana strain GHA
Emulsifiable suspension mycoinsecticide. A naturally occurring fungus for use in controlling whitefly, aphids and thrips on greenhouse crops, ornamentals, herbs and vegetables. For indoor/outdoor nursery, greenhouse and landscape use.
Foliar spray rates: 2-4 tsp per gal or 32-64 oz per 100 gal.
*May damage tomatoes.
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Beauveria bassiana strain GHA
Emulsifiable suspension mycoinsecticide. A naturally occurring fungus for use in controlling whitefly, aphids and thrips on greenhouse crops, ornamentals, herbs and vegetables. For indoor/outdoor nursery, greenhouse and landscape use.
Foliar spray rates: 2-4 tsp per gal or 32-64 oz per 100 gal.
*May damage tomatoes.
REI = 4
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Tolfenpyrad
Improved formulation of this contact, broad spectrum insecticide to control thrips, aphids, mealybugs, scale, leafhoppers and early instar caterpillars. Suppresses whiteflies and powdery mildew. Labeled for ornamental crops grown in greenhouses, including cut flowers.
Foliar spray rates: 11/3-2 tsp per gal or 21-32 oz. per 100 gal.
See label for cut flower rates. Label cautions against use on salvia, impatiens, gypsophila, N.G. impatiens and poinsettia bracts. Consult label for more information.
*Not registered in ME, NY
MOA = 21A
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Tolfenpyrad
Improved formulation of this contact, broad spectrum insecticide to control thrips, aphids, mealybugs, scale, leafhoppers and early instar caterpillars. Suppresses whiteflies and powdery mildew. Labeled for ornamental crops grown in greenhouses, including cut flowers.
Foliar spray rates: 11/3-2 tsp per gal or 21-32 oz. per 100 gal.
See label for cut flower rates. Label cautions against use on salvia, impatiens, gypsophila, N.G. impatiens and poinsettia bracts. Consult label for more information.
*Not registered in ME, NY
MOA = 21A
REI = 12
Active Ingredients: Cyantraniliprole & Thiamethoxam
Foliar andsystemic insecticide for use on ornamental plants, shrubs, vegetabletransplants and trees grown in greenhouses and nurseries, shadehouses, lath houses, commercial landscapes, and interiorscapes.Controls aphids, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers, thrips andothers. Can be used as spray or drench.
Foliar Spray Rates: 2.5-5.0 oz per 100 gal.
Drench Rates: 5-10.5 oz per 100 gal. See the label for drenchvolumes.
*Restricted use pesticide in CO, CT, MA, MD, ME, NJ,NV, NY, & VT
*No use on LI
MOA = 28 & 4A
REI = 12
Foliar andsystemic insecticide for use on ornamental plants, shrubs, vegetabletransplants and trees grown in greenhouses and nurseries, shadehouses, lath houses, commercial landscapes, and interiorscapes.Controls aphids, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers, thrips andothers. Can be used as spray or drench.
Foliar Spray Rates: 2.5-5.0 oz per 100 gal.
Drench Rates: 5-10.5 oz per 100 gal. See the label for drenchvolumes.
*Restricted use pesticide in CO, CT, MA, MD, ME, NJ,NV, NY, & VT
*No use on LI
MOA = 28 & 4A
REI = 12
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid + 12-9-4
Long lasting tablet that contains active ingredient from Marathon and a small amount fertilizer to facilitate uptake. Labeled for trees and shrubs in greenhouses and nurseries only. Controls soil borne insects such as black vine weevil larvae and white grub larvae. Foliar feeding pests include adelgids, aphids, Japanese beetle adults, lacebugs, leafhoppers, pine tip moth larvae, sawfly larvae. Control on woody ornamentals for one year or longer in trials. Activates in two weeks. See label for incorporation and rate information determined by pot size.
*Restricted use pesticide in CT, MD, NY
MOA = 4
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid + 12-9-4
Long lasting tablet that contains active ingredient from Marathon and a small amount fertilizer to facilitate uptake. Labeled for trees and shrubs in greenhouses and nurseries only. Controls soil borne insects such as black vine weevil larvae and white grub larvae. Foliar feeding pests include adelgids, aphids, Japanese beetle adults, lacebugs, leafhoppers, pine tip moth larvae, sawfly larvae. Control on woody ornamentals for one year or longer in trials. Activates in two weeks. See label for incorporation and rate information determined by pot size.
*Restricted use pesticide in CT, MD, NY
MOA = 4
REI = 12
** Ships from Griffin Woodridge IL
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12
** Ships from Griffin Woodridge IL
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins and Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA
Natural pyrethrum combined with a naturally occurring fungus. Foliar sprays control: aphids, thrips, whitefly, mealybugs, leafhoppers, plants bugs and many more. Labeled for ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, fruits and nuts in greenhouses, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape, turf and interiorscapes. Use caution on open blooms and do not apply on poinsettias after bract formulation. Check compatibility with fungicides prior to tank mix.
Foliar spray rate: 1/2-4 tsp per gal water; 8-32 oz per 100 gal (higher rates on vegetables outside).
MOA = 3A & UN
REI = 12