Lubing Systems – Plastic Evaporative Cooling Pads

Pad and fan cooling systems have been used in greenhouses for nearly 100 years. Originally developed in greenhouses at the University of Arizona, pad and fan cooling systems take advantage of the natural cooling power of evaporating water. Pad and fan systems are just what they sound like: Large pads are installed on one end of the greenhouse and large exhaust fans are installed on the other side of the structure. Water moves through the pads, and the fans pull air across the pads. This air movement causes water to evaporate and cool the air as it passes. Traditional pads are made of corrugated cardboard to increase surface area for evaporative cooling to take place. Though effective, cardboard pads have a moderate life span and do need to be replaced over time. Lubing’s black plastic cooling pads improve both durability and efficacy of this cooling technology while offering several additional advantages.

Made entirely of black opaque plastic, Lubing’s Pad Systems feature significant UV resistance and prevent light penetration through the pad. The light blocking design is helpful for light deprivation greenhouses, and it also cuts down on the potential for algae buildup over time. Lubing’s plastic pads are also extremely durable, which means they stand up to the physical and chemical cleaning used to combat mineral buildup on. The addition of small amounts of cleaning agents to recirculating water can further cut down on the natural build up of mineral salts, algae, or biofilm over time.

Most greenhouses will use their evaporative cooling systems with a constant recirculated flow of clean water. Lubing’s design goes a step further than many in including easy access spray deflectors and splash guards. These pieces of equipment make maintenance and cleanliness a breeze.

Ask your sales rep today for more information on how the Lubing Pad System can meet your greenhouse cooling needs!