Adult stage
**The Chrysanthemum leafminer is resistant to many pesticides. Consult with GGSPro for help in designing a control program.
Active Ingredient: Spinosad
Conserve insecticide is labeled for control of cutworms, eastern tent caterpillar, gypsy moth larvae as well as thrips, leafminers, leaf rollers and others.
Foliar spray rates: 1/3-1 1/4 tsp per gal or 6-22 oz per 100 gal water.
Many outdoor edible crops on the label.
MOA = 5
REI = 4
Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin
Quick acting broad-spectrum insecticide and miticide. Labeled for greenhouses, shade houses, nursery and golf courses. Excellent plant safety with very little visible residue.
Foliar spray rates: 1/4 -1 1/2 tsp per gal or 5-20 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: varies by pest, consult label.
*Restricted use pesticide. Nassau or Suffolk County, NY restrictions apply.
MOA = 3A
REI = 12
Active Ingredient: Spinosad
Labeled for control of foliage feeding Lepidopterous larvae (worms or caterpillars), Colorado potato beetles, leafminers, thrips (suppression only) on ornamentals in greenhouses and nurseries as well as many edible crops in fields and greenhouses. It is labeled for aquatic plant production on labeled pests.
Foliar spray rates: 1/8-1 1/4 tsp per gal or 3-22 oz.
*OMRI Listed.