Subdue Maxx 21.3% 10GAL Linkpak AGENCY SYNGENTA EPA# 100-796
Item #71-29781
Active Ingredient: Mefenoxam
Systemic residual control of root and stem rot diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora.
Drench rate: Soil drench at time of seeding at 0.13-0.25 oz per 100 gal; at time of transplanting 1/2-1 oz per 100 gal.
Foliar spray rates: 0.15-0.3 ml per gal or 0.5-1 oz per 100 gal.
Applications for downy mildew must be tank mixed with a product for downy mildew from another MOA class. A 0 hour REI can be obtained for drench applications that meet label criteria.
Many vegetable and herb transplants can be treated. CA and NY require a supplemental label.
Some states have 24C labels allow for use on basil for downy mildew.
MOA = 4
REI = 48