Retail ProductsPlant Tree and Support - Tree Care
Plant Tree and Support - Tree Care
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Tree watering bag designed to provide a drip irrigation system directly to roots over an extended period of time. Continuously waters for up to 8 hours.
A superior Protective Seal for pruned, grafted or damaged trees, roses or shrubs. Contains an Antiseptic and a Sealant to kill and keep out infections and insects. Won't burn or run. Also can be used to waterproof planting pots, wooden tubs, canvas. Brown to blend with tree bark.
Tree wound dressing protects your shrubs, bushes, vines, and trees from decay, insects, and fungi. Apply to fresh pruned areas. Shields tree wounds. Withstands all weather: hot, cold, wet, and dry. For patching damaged areas of trees and shrubbery, tree surgery and grafting. Brushtop plastic container.
Tree wrap protects from insects and heat scold. Easy to use coated paper that will not girdle tree bark.
It is easy for one person to stake a tree and save on labor costs with DeWitt Tree Stake Kits. DeWitt Tree Stake Kits are the professional choice for both commercial and residential applications. They also have a unique non-girdling support and strap which can be removed and reused. Includes 15" plastic stakes.
DeWitt Dew Right Tree Watering Bag - 15 gal. bag provides a drip irrigation over an extended period of time. Made of polyethylene with nylon webbing, poly straps, black nylon zippers, with micro-perforated release points for a slow release of water.
This Treekote aerosol spray is tree wound dressing. Just apply to fresh pruned areas. It protects your shrubs, bushes, vines, and trees from decay, insects, and fungi.
This kit includes everything needed to support one newly transplanted tree, or any tree that needs protective support from winds and storms. Use with any ball and burlaped container or bare-root tree.
Prevents broken branches and leaves from falling. Soil stays in the bag to protect interior of customers car. Protects plants from the cold and wind, and protects trees during transportation. Cut to size of the tree. Polyethylene bags on a roll. Flat: 38", Tube: 24", 2mm thickness. 660' roll length