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Lawn & Garden Solutions - Pest Solutions
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Permethrin 0.02% Controls over 100 different insect pests on fruits, roses, flowers, lawns, shrubs, trees, over 60 varieties of ornamentals, and house plants. No odor, water based, indoor/outdoor.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, DC
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, DC
For use in potted plants. No odor, easy to use granules provide insect control for up to 8 weeks!
1% Potassium fatty acids. Derived from plants - for plants, Kills insects on contact. For indoor and outdoor use.
Snail and slug control at its best. An alternative to traditional slug and snail baits, Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets and wildlife. This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until harvest and remains effective after rain or sprinkling. A pellet that breaks down into fertilizer! New lower rate, 1 pound covers up to 2,000 sq ft.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
Controls destructive worms, and caterpillars in and around vegetable and flower gardens. Has no effect on birds, earthworms or beneficial insects such as honey bees and lady bugs. May be used on edibles right up to the day of harvest.
*Not for sale in the following states: DC
*Not for sale in the following states: DC
For Organic Gardening. A superior type paraffinic oil that may be used as a growing season spray, dormant spray (no leaves) or delayed dormant (green tip) spray to control overwintering eggs of red spiders, scale insects, aphids, bud moths, leaf roller, red bug, codling moth, blister mites, galls, whitefly, mealy bugs and other insects and diseases. Highly recommended for use on fruit trees, shade trees, shrubs, ornamentals, roses and vegetables. Safe and pleasant to use.
*Not for sale in the following states: HI
*Not for sale in the following states: HI
Snail and slug control at its best. An alternative to traditional slug and snail baits, Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets and wildlife. This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until harvest and remains effective after rain or sprinkling. A pellet that breaks down into fertilizer! New lower rate, 1 pound covers up to 2,000 sq ft.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
A broad spectrum fungicide, insecticide and miticide for control of insects, diseases and mites on vegetables, fruit, nuts, herbs, spices, roses, flowers, shrubs, houseplants, shrubs and more around the home. Kills stink bugs, boxelder bugs, fungus gnats plus Brown Patch, Dollar Spot (on Turf) and Snow Mold to name just a few.
This new formulation of Sluggo controls slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs (roly poly), pill bugs and cut worms too. Sluggo Plus is a smaller light green pellet and can be used on ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and in non-commercial greenhouses. Scatter the bait at 1/2 to 1 pound per 1,000 sq ft around and near the plants to be protected. Meets national organic program standards for organic gardening. Contains the active Spinosad and iron phosphate.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
A multi-purpose fungicide/insecticide/miticide 3-in-1 product. It kills eggs, larvae and adult stages of insects, and prevents fungal attack of plant tissues.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
Antitranspirant reduces harmful water loss. Adds a natural looking shine. For use on all houseplants with hard faced leaves.
A specific miticide for houseplants. Also kills aphids and thrips. A pleasantly scented Garden Naturals product made from botanical extracts.
An all purpose insecticide, miticide, fungicide for organic gardening. Derived from the Neem seed, Neem oil is an excellent choice for use on virtually any plant, including roses, flowers, vegetables, herbs, spices, houseplants, trees, turf and shrubs. Kills all stages of insects - eggs, larvae and adults. Makes a great dormant spray. Imparts a healthy shine to hardy leaf surfaces. Comes in economical concentrate and convenient ready to use.
*Not for sale in the following states: DC
*Not for sale in the following states: DC
Kills caterpillar-type insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects such as honeybees and ladybugs, when used as directed. Worm stage and caterpillars eat treated foliage, then immediately stop feeding and damaging plants. For use on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees. Can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest. Contains BT Kurstaki bacteria.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
This new formulation of Sluggo controls slugs, snails, earwigs, sow bugs (roly poly), pill bugs and cut worms too. Sluggo Plus is a smaller light green pellet and can be used on ornamentals, vegetables, fruit trees, berries, turf and in non-commercial greenhouses. Scatter the bait at 1/2 to 1 pound per 1,000 sq ft around and near the plants to be protected. Meets national organic program standards for organic gardening. Contains the active Spinosad and iron phosphate.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
For indoor/outdoor insect control in homes, barns, stables, vegetable and flower gardens. Des mechanical mode of action works by contact and by ingestion. Insects cannot become immune to its action. Bedbugs, Asian lady beetles, box elder bugs, mites, ants, flies, fleas, spiders, other beetles and crawling insects all succumb within 24-48 hours of contact. Apply as a dust or a slurry.
Natural pyrethrum for quick and easy kill of Japanese Beetles.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
Provides economical, contact and residual insect control for up to 4 weeks. Kills over 100 insects which destroy lawns, roses, flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and may be applied to homes and other areas to stop infestations of flies, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ants... all flying, crawling & hopping insects. Even great for houseplants! Contains 2.5% Permethrin.
Patented, rain proof formula makes slugs disappear! Can be used around pets and wildlife. Slug Magic can be used in fruit and vegetable gardens up to the day of harvest. 1.0% iron phosphate pellets.
Simply sprinkle in any standing water - including water gardens. Like the Mosquito Dunks, this product kills mosquito larvae before they become adult (biting) mosquitoes. Quick Kill Bits will eliminate mosquito larvae within 24 hours. The Mosquito Bits are now labeled to control Fungus Gnats in plant beds or pots!
Will kill exposed aphids, beetles (colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, japanese beetle, asparagus beetle), caterpillars (gypsy moth caterpillars, tent caterpillar, diamondback moth larvae, leafrollers), ants (except fire ants, harvester ants, carpenter ants, and pharaoh ants), mealybugs, mites, leafhoppers, scale, thrips, fungus gnats, whitefly, adelgids, plant bugs, sawfly larvae, psyllids, spittlebugs, and phylloxera. Dormant and growing season insect spray that kills all accessible stages of listed insects, including eggs. Does not persist in the environment. Contains: Pyrethrins and Canola Oil.
Stops plants from drying out! Wilt-Pruf uses a unique Moisture Lock Formula that is natural, organic, and provides layers of protection to keep your plants healthy year-round. Wilt-Pruf improves transplant success, protects against drought, and stops winter burn by holding in moisture on plant foliage and stems, substantially reducing water loss during periods of plant stress.
For control of foliage feeding worms (caterpillars), thrips, fire ants and other listed pests in: Lawns, Outdoor Ornamentals, Vegetables, Apples, Citrus and Stone Fruit. Contains the active Spinosad.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
Kills snails and slugs. 3X more power in each pellet. 1 lb treats 11,000 sq. ft. Can be used around pets and wildlife.
Simple to use, automatically mixes and applies the proper water to product dilution. No mixing, no measuring necessary, just hook up to garden hose. Unused concentrate can be returned to the original container. Twelve different mix settings with three spray patterns.
These irresistible, dual Floral/Pheromone lure system protects 5,000 sq. ft., all season long! The hourglass shaped disposable collection bags trap beetles securely. Attractive display box goes anywhere - shelf displays, counter tops, peg hook displays. Each kit contains 1 trap, 1 dual-lure and 2 collection bags.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, AZ, CA, DC, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, AZ, CA, DC, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
Simply sprinkle in any standing water - including water gardens. Like the Mosquito Dunks, this product kills mosquito larvae before they become adult (biting) mosquitoes. Quick Kill Bits will eliminate mosquito larvae within 24 hours. The Mosquito Bits are now labeled to control Fungus Gnats in plant beds or pots!
Kills mosquitoes before they become old enough to bite. Made with a natural organic ingredient. Contains no poisonous chemicals: harmless to other living things. Kills mosquito larvae for 30 days or longer. Simply leave a floating Mosquito Dunk in each place water collects around your home. Each Dunk will take care of up to 100 sq. ft. of water surface regardless of depth.
Snail and slug control at its best. An alternative to traditional slug and snail baits, Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets and wildlife. This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until harvest and remains effective after rain or sprinkling. A pellet that breaks down into fertilizer! New lower rate, 1 pound covers up to 2,000 sq ft.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
Convenient, ready-to-use granules provide effective, long lasting insect control for 8 weeks. Excellent indoor no odor, no spray, no mess formula. Systemic action moves throughout the plant, even protecting new growth. Kills tough houseplant pests like fungus. gnats, mealybug, whitefly, thrips and aphids. Contains Imidacloprid 0.22%.
*Not for sale in Long Island, NY
*Not for sale in Long Island, NY
Stops plants from drying out! Wilt-Pruf uses a unique Moisture Lock Formula that is natural, organic, and provides layers of protection to keep your plants healthy year-round. Wilt-Pruf improves transplant success, protects against drought, and stops winter burn by holding in moisture on plant foliage and stems, substantially reducing water loss during periods of plant stress.
RESCUE! Japanese Beetle Trap contains a controlled-release lure that lasts the full 8-week beetle season and a large bag that can be reused. Easy-lock opening makes emptying and reusing the trap a breeze.
Kills caterpillar-type insects, but has no effect on birds, earthworms, or beneficial insects such as honeybees and ladybugs, when used as directed. Worm stage and caterpillars eat treated foliage, then immediately stop feeding and damaging plants. For use on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees. Can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest. Contains BT Kurstaki bacteria.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
Kills mosquitoes before they become old enough to bite. Made with a natural organic ingredient. Contains no poisonous chemicals: harmless to other living things. Kills mosquito larvae for 30 days or longer. Simply leave a floating Mosquito Dunk in each place water collects around your home. Each Dunk will take care of up to 100 sq. ft. of water surface regardless of depth.
Economical, long lasting insect control for ornamental gardens, shrubs and trees. Use as little as 2 tablespoons/gal. Acephate 9.4% Concentrate. NEONIC alternative chemistry.
*Not for sale in the following states: AR, CA, HI
*Not for sale in the following states: AR, CA, HI
Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew contains Spinosad. Deadbug Brew kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
Controls aphids, mites, scales, whiteflies, and other soft-bodied insects. For use only in home fruit and vegetable gardens, home greenhouses, interior plantscapes & ornamental gardens. Year-round usage Dormant and growing season.
RESCUE! Outdoor Disposable Fly Trap is designed to control fly populations at the source with a bait they find irresistible. Easy, efficient means to controlling flies, in a handy disposable bag.
Permethrin 2.5% Non-staining, water based. Use as a general home and grounds spray to keep out invading ants, ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies... can be used directly on homes, patios, porches, garages. Controls over 100 insects on fruit, nuts, vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, roses and also kills stink bugs.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
Kills snails and slugs plus earwigs, cutworms, sowbugs, pillbugs, crickets, and ants (excluding Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, Pharaohs Ants, and Carpenter Ants). Easy-to-use pellet formulation.
Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew contains Spinosad. Deadbug Brew kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals.
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
*Not for sale in the following states: AK, HI
Fungicide, Insecticide, and Miticide for use on roses, flowers, houseplants, ornamental trees, and shrubs, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
Natural pyrethrin in a concentrated formula for economical, natural, broad spectrum garden insect control. Ideal for vegetables, fruits, flowers and delicate ornamentals. Use up to the day of harvest.
*Not for sale in the following states: CA, DC
*Not for sale in the following states: CA, DC
Controls aphids, mites, scales, whiteflies, and other soft-bodied insects. For use only in home fruit and vegetable gardens, home greenhouses, interior plantscapes & ornamental gardens. Year-round usage Dormant and growing season.
For control of foliage feeding worms (caterpillars), thrips, fire ants and other listed pests in: Lawns, Outdoor Ornamentals, Vegetables, Apples, Citrus and Stone Fruit. Contains the active Spinosad.
*OMRI listed
*OMRI listed
One application kills insects, and prevents new infestations for an entire year. No spraying, just mix and pour at base of plant. Systemic insecticide is absorbed through the roots to all parts of the plant, even new growth, and wont wash off. For use on listed fruit, nut and ornamental trees and shrubs. Kills borers, (including Emerald Ash Borer & Asian Longhorned Beetle), adelgids, miners, whitefly, scale, beetles, weevils. Contains 1.47% Imidacloprid. Compare & Save!
*Not for sale in Long Island, NY
*Not for sale in Long Island, NY