Page 15 - Griffin Gazette Issue 3 - 2022
P. 15

Sanitation before new plant material enters the growing area, whether greenhouse,
                            hoophouse, or an outdoor growing space is the first step in protecting the next round of
                            production. Additionally, current supply chain issues across the world, namely the shortage
                            of plastic resins, is having a major impact on the availability of containers, trays, and other
                            supplies for the nursery and greenhouse industry. The re-use of plastics is growing, making
                            sanitation more critical than ever as trays or containers are essential for production and
                            come in direct contact with our plants. This article will outline a comprehensive, step-by-step
                            process for sanitation all types of growers can utilize within their operation from crop to crop
                            or season to season.

                            STEP 1: PRE-CLEANING CLEANING
                            Preparing your production area for the cleaning and sanitation process is actually the first
                            step in the process. For growing spaces, weeds are a major source of inoculum for both
                            insects and disease. Physically remove or spray out any weeds using appropriately labeled
                            herbicides. Rake up debris or significant soil spills from the previous round of production.
                            Similarly, reusable containers and trays should be wiped or pre-rinsed with pressure to
                            knock off any visible soil before going through cleaning and disinfecting steps.

                            Clean Thoroughly to Disinfect Effectively
                            Thorough sanitation requires a two-step process, no matter if the surface to be cleaned is a
                            bench top, floor or ground cover, irrigation system, or reusable container. Two steps require
                            two products – a cleaner and a disinfectant. Disinfecting sanitizers may bubble or foam, but
                            they do not have the power to actually clean or sanitize through even a relatively thin layer of
                            dirt, debris, algae, or biofilm.

                            Applying the Cleaning Solution

                                                                                      GRIFFIN GAZETTE 2022  |  15
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