Page 18 - Griffin Gazette Issue 3 - 2022
P. 18

Q&A:                                      Best Practices with

                                                         Ventigra Insecticide

         By BASF   |   It has been three years since   Can I drench Ventigra insecticide?   quickly die after coming out of the egg.
         BASF introduced Ventigra  insecticide, a   One of the strengths of this insecticide is   Young mobile whitefly nymphs are also
         pioneering solution that provides effective   that you don’t have to! You won’t need to   susceptible. If older nymphs are present
         control of piercing and sucking insect pests.   wait up to a week for the active ingredient   at application, they’ll develop to maturity,
         When introducing a new solution into the   to move into the plant canopy like we do   but then be affected as adults and die.
         market, we learn about many of the best   with drenched materials. In fact, we saw   We call the effect on these stages “dead
         practices from you, the grower, as you use   the same level and length of control on   before they know it.”
         the product to face real world pest pressure.   green peach aphid as we did with Safari
         We now share some of those conversations   insecticide. This doesn’t mean you kick   How can I get better results for
         with you in the form of questions that are   drench materials out of your program, but   mealybug and scale?
         commonly asked and the best practices   it does mean you can get those same   For these difficult-to-control pests,
         that we’ve discovered and developed along   excellent results with a little less labor and   Ventigra insecticide controls some
         the way.                              waiting time.                     species and life stages and suppresses
                                                                                 others. We’ve seen the highest levels of
                                               Does Ventigra insecticide work on   control come from program approaches
                                               thrips?                           that include tank mixing adjuvants and
                                               Ventigra insecticide was developed for   alternating applications with Ultra-Pure
                                               precision: piercing and sucking pests.   Oil from BASF. Oils suffocate all the life
                                               The tradeoff with being a sharpshooter is   stages of pests and they’re a key part
                                               that you miss some other common pests,   of our program recommendations for
                                               like thrips, but that same precision allows   these and other pests. Don’t be afraid of
                                               for compatibility with non-targets, like   oils! Ultra-Pure Oil is not your grandma’s
                                               pollinators and beneficial insects. Targeted   horticultural oil; modern oils are refined
                                               chemistry is the way of the future, so   and cleaner, resulting in less phytotoxicity
                                               we create programs with multiple tools   and worries about plant safety. See our
                                               to manage all the key horticultural pests   Ventigra Insecticide Rotation guide for
                                               you’re dealing with.              more information.

                                               What about psyllids and glassy-   If Ventigra insecticide is so great,
                                               winged sharpshooters?             why do I need a program?
                                               The closer a pest is related to piercing   The folks who develop insecticides are
                                               and sucking insects like aphids, whiteflies,   horticulturists like you. We want to see
                                               mealybugs, and scale insects, the more   new active ingredients work well for as
                                               likely we’ll be able to add those pests to   long as possible, so we steward the
                                               the label in the future. We’re running trials   products to protect them from resistance
                                               now to evaluate additional pests for the   developing in the field. We do this with
                                               label. Stay tuned!                Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
                                                                                 programs. These are guides that feature
                                               Does Ventigra insecticide control   our best solutions and the “best in show”
                                               whitefly eggs?                    from trials and operations around the
                                               We see the best control with Ventigra   country. Therefore, our programs don’t
                                               insecticide applications targeted to adults,   just recommend BASF products; they
                                               eggs and first instar crawlers of whitefly.   spell out solutions to deliver the best
                                               Treated eggs do hatch, but nymphs will   results for each crop, all year long.

                                To learn more about Ventigra insecticide and our pest management programs,
                                       please visit or contact your BASF rep.
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