Page 29 - Griffin Gazette - October November 2024
P. 29

IRRIGATION PONDS RESEMBLE NATURAL                                •	 Biological chemical demand (BOD): BOD
WATERBODIES                                                         measures the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by
Like lakes and other natural waterbodies, irrigation ponds          bacteria to decompose organic matter in the water.
have natural biological and chemicals processes. For                For example, as algae dies and decomposes, BOD
example, excess nutrients, specifically Nitrogen and                will increase, showing growers that more oxygen is
Phosphorus, impact lake health and contribute to excess             needed to maintain the water quality.
algal blooms and poor water quality.
                                                                 •	 Total bacterial and fungal counts: Tests should
When algae die, the decomposition process consumes                  be taken from multiple locations in the water to get a
oxygen, creating hypoxic conditions that suppress                   general average. These metrics can be used to look at
the beneficial microbiology and reduce the oxidation-               potential disease pressure.
reduction potential (ORP) of the water. The result is poor
water quality with low dissolved oxygen and high disease         •	 Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus: These are
pressure that negatively affect crop quality, reduce yields         key nutrients in waterbody health. When in high
and increase treatment costs.                                       concentrations, N and P greatly contribute to several
                                                                    pond problems.
Though irrigation water is one of the most important inputs
and resources for growers, it’s often the least monitored       COMBATTING COMMON POND PROBLEMS WITH
of all the inputs. Integrating a simple monitoring plan helps   CHEMICAL-FREE NANOBUBBLES
growers get more from their water, leading to better water      Understanding water testing parameters is the first step
quality and ultimately, higher quality crops.                   to improving your irrigation pond water quality. The next
                                                                step is a sustainable Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
KEY WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS FOR GROWERS                        treatment strategy.
 •	 pH: pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of         Moleaer is working with growers all over the world to treat
                                                                their irrigation ponds without or with reduced chemicals
    water. Changes in pH can affect the solubility of           and lower costs. We do this by deploying our patented
    nutrients and the toxicity of certain substances to         nanobubble technology on irrigation ponds for IPM
    aquatic organisms.                                          prevention and cultural controls:

 •	 Electrical conductivity (EC): EC is a measurement           Cultural control: Nanobubbles increase DO and ORP to
    of a substance's ability to conduct electricity, and is an  create an oxygen-rich environment for beneficial microbes
    important factor in irrigation water quality                to do their work, naturally digesting mucky sediment and
                                                                decomposing algae. Over time, BOD, total bacterial and
 •	 Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations: Oxygen                fungal counts and N & P levels decline, reducing the fuel
    concentrations levels when measured close to the            for algae blooms and lowering disease pressure.
    bottom of the pond will help you understand if your
    water is anaerobic or aerobic which is a key driver in      Prevention: Once pond health is back on track,
    not only pond health but pathogen growth.                   nanobubbles maintain optimal water conditions to
                                                                increase resilience against algae and pathogen outbreaks
 •	 Water temperature: The temperature of the water             by maintaining elevated DO and ORP.
    impacts the water’s ability to hold DO (e.g. higher
    temperatures means lower oxygen holding capacity).          THE RESULTS:
                                                                 •	 Less algae, pathogens and biofilm
 •	 Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP): ORP is an
    important water quality parameter that can provide           •	 Fewer chemicals and pesticide applications
    insight into the oxygen levels and other chemical
    reactions occurring in the water. ORP is primarily           •	 Longer filtration life and less clogging
    determined by the balance between the amount of
    dissolved oxygen (a strong oxidizing agent) and other        •	 Healthier plant root development and better crop quality
    substances that can act as reducing agents, such as
    organic matter, hydrogen sulfide, and iron. When ORP        Griffin is a trusted distributor of Moleaer’s nanobubble
    is high, oxidizers have higher residual. Conversely,        technology, enabling more growers to reap the benefits
    growers need to use higher rates of oxidizers to            of this unique irrigation solution. To find out more about
    achieve the same residual when ORP is low.                  Moleaer’s technology, visit Moleaer’s product page:

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