Page 13 - Griffin Gazette - June 2023
P. 13

               Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salt is mixed into a   The tables below show the relative expected benefit of using rooting
               solution with water and is sprayed over the top of   hormone based on research at Michigan State University, see https://www.
               recently stuck cuttings. The goal is to spray the
               rooting solution onto the leaves until the material   vegetative_cuttings
               drips  down  the  cutting  stem,  avoiding  saturation
               media  surface.  The  application  is  best  made   Plants rated “High Benefit” or “Moderate Benefit”, will generally root faster
               soon after sticking and when the plant material   and more evenly with addition of IBA salts. Those rated “Low Benefit” may
               is not under heat stress, such as early morning.   not show enhanced rooting time or uniformity with the use of hormone. All
               After the application, wait 45 minutes or until the   genera will be subject to potential differences between various cultivars.
               solution dries on the leaves, then resume regular   However, the use of Hortus Water Soluble IBA salts will improve the rooting
               misting cycles. Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts   of most crops, and  aid in efficient production of difficult to propagate crops.
               have a 0 hour REI and do not require re-entry PPE.
               The benefits of the Spray Drip Down method are:   ANNUALS: Ranking propagation benefit from rooting hormone
               reduced chance of disease transfer compared to   Low Benefit     Moderate Benefit     High Benefit
               dipping, application is much faster and efficient,
               saving time and money. In addition, IBA is targeted   Annual species
               to the foliage and stem, the parts of the plant with   Abutilon   Alternanthera   Gazania   Bougainvillea
               the greatest uptake efficiency for this hormone.   Coleus   Angelonia   Geranium, Zonal   Brachycome
               This leads to greater rooting success and allows for   Diascia  Antirrhinum  Helichrysum  Bracteantha
               multiple applications if necessary.       Heliotropium   Argyranthemum  Lantana       Calibrachoa
                                                         Impatiens –Double  Bacopa    Lobularia      Cineraria
               ADDITIONAL APPLICATION METHODS            Impatiens      Begonia –Hiemalis Lophospermum  Crossandra
                                                         –New Guinea
               As mentioned earlier, Hortus IBA Water Soluble   Ipomoea  Begonia –Reiger  Nemesia    Dahlia
               Salts  is a flexible product, allowing multiple   Petchoa  Begonia – Rex  Oternaria   Dracaena
               application methods to fit any propagation   Petunia     Bidens        Pedilanthus    Geranium, Regal
               process as described here:                Perilla        Brachycome    Plumbago       Heliotrope
                                                         Plectranthus   Calocephalus  Poinsettia     Hibiscus, tropical
               Basal Quick Dip – use on cuttings in the growing
               season and dormant winter cuttings. The basal   Portulaca  Catharanthus  Pseuderanthemum  Lobelia
               ends of the cuttings are dipped ¾ of an inch into the   Setcreasea  Chamaesyce  Salvia  Mandevilla
               rooting solution and then stuck in the media.   Verbena  Clerodendrum  Santolina      Mimulus
                                                                        Cuphea        Scaevola       Osteospermum
               Total Immerse – use for leafy cuttings in the            Diascia       Strobilanthes  Phlox drummondii
               growing season. The cuttings are totally immersed        Dipladenia    Torenia        Scaevola
               in the rooting solution for a few seconds and then       Fuchsia       Vinca major    Thunbergia
               stuck in the media.
               Basal Long Soak – use on cuttings in the growing   PERENNIALS:  Ranking propagation benefit from rooting hormone
               season and dormant winter cuttings. Immerse the   Low Benefit   Moderate Benefit     High Benefit
               basal end of cuttings in approximately 1 inch of   Perennial species
               rooting solution for 12 to 48 hours. Stick immediately   Achillea  Artemesia  Lavender  Baptisia
               or store.                                  Ajuga         Buddleia     Leucanthemum   Dianthus
                                                          Artemesia     Campanula    Lobelia        Euphorbia
               Application by Basal Dip is the traditional method   Gaillardia  Caryopteris  Malva  Gypsophila
               typically used for annual and perennial cuttings.    Galium  Ceratostigma  Penstemon  Heuchera
               The Total Immersion and Basal Long Soak methods   Helenium  Coreopsis  Phlox paniculata  Hydrangea
               are used more often for woody plants or otherwise   Lamium  Delosperma  Phlox subulata  Iberis
               difficult to root plants.                  Lysimachia    Erysimum     Rosemary       Lithodora diffusa
                                                          Monarda       Euonymus     Salvia
               Hortus IBA Water Soluble Salts may also be used
               on ornamentals after transplant to increase rooting   Nepeta  Eupatorium  Scabiosa
               and growth. Apply by the spray down method as   Pachysandra  Geranium  Vinca minor
               above. Experiment with a small number of plants   Perovskia  Hedera   Viola
               before application to the entire crop.     Sedum         Heliopsis
                                                          Thymus        Hibiscus
                                                          Veronica      Hypericum

                                                                                      GRIFFIN GAZETTE 2023  |  13
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