Page 11 - Griffin Gazette - June 2023
P. 11

             Gardeners know the inevitable parts of
             gardening are the pests and disease
             that seem to happen overnight.
             Triple Action is a 3 in 1 insecticide,
             miticide,  and  fungicide  solution.
             As an insecticide, Triple  Actions
             active ingredients are neem oil  and   PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT
             pyrethrins. These ingredients  kill  pests   EVERGUARD TICK & MOSQUITO
             like  aphids,  whitefly,  and  many  more   SPRAY & GRANULAR
             by  suffocation  and  leaves  a  repelling   Ticks and Mosquitos, are an inevitable
             residue. Triple Action is a great miticide   part of being outdoors, especially in
             as well for those small and hard to see   our backyard and patios where we go
             Spider Mites. Spider Mites typically go   to relax and unwind. Did you know that
             unnoticed, and infestations can quickly   ticks cannot fly or jump? Ticks crawl to
             develop resulting in webbing on leaves   the tips of plants or grass and reach out   PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT
             and flowers. Spider Mites feed by   with their front arms and wait on a host to   EVERGUARD DEER & RABBIT
             piercing the plant surfaces with their   grab onto. Mosquitos on the other hand   REPELLENT
             mouthpart and sucking up plant fluids   fly around to find a host to feed on, and   Most vegetable and fruit gardens face
             from the cell they are feeding from. This   can quickly ruin the fun of being outside.   other pests, like deer, rabbit or other
             damage mites leave from feeding cell   Everguard Tick and Mosquito products   small critters snatching harvests from
             to cell creates a stippled or speckled   can be applied on lawns and gardens,   the vine or even mowing harvests to
             appearance on the leaf surface, which   and are an eco-friendly solution that is   the ground. We want to live in harmony
             decreases plant vigor. When we use   safe for use around children and pets.   with wildlife while still reaping a harvest
             Triple Action, the active ingredients leave   Everguard Tick and Mosquito is also   in our gardens. Its often hard to achieve,
             a residue on the leaf surfaces that make   labeled bee friendly, and packs more   and most gardeners resort to physical
             it unpalatable to feeding pests. Plants   active ingredients than your average tick   barriers like netting, or even the use of
             will need reapplication every 7-14 days   and mosquito products on the market.   noisy sonar deterring devices. If you
             depending on the pest pressure.
                                                 Everguards commercial formula, made   are looking to deter deer and rabbit
             Triple Action is also a fungicide and   in Rhode Island packs Citronella,   from feeding on your gardens look no
             helps protect plants against diseases   Cinnamon, Cedarwood,  Lemongrass,   further than Everguards Deer & Rabbit
             like  black spot and powdery mildew.   Thyme and Garlic that lasts up to 4   repellent. Everguards Deer & Rabbit
             Diseases occur on plants when three   weeks in rain or snow. Give it a try and   repellent retail ready bottle for spraying
             key factors align, a host (the plant)– a   see the results for yourself!   or a granular option in a handy shaker.
             pathogen (the disease) – and the right                                   Everguards Deer & Rabbit repellent is
             environment for the disease to develop.                                  safe to use around children and pets,
             We can protect our plants that are                                       and can even be applied in vegetable
             susceptible to the many diseases out                                     gardens. Everguards Deer and Rabbit
             there  by protecting them  with Triple                                   formula lasts up to 8 weeks in rain and
             Action.  Triple Action’s  3 in  1 formula                                snow which means less time defending
             solves and prevents many issues                                          your plants and more fun in the garden.
             gardeners face with their plants which
             makes Triple Action 3 in 1 an easy
             solution and sale.
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