Page 17 - Griffin Gazette Issue 2 - 2022
P. 17

Dissolved oxygen is a measurement of gaseous   During flood events, plants have increased contact
                   oxygen molecules dissolved in liquid water, measured   time with water and are exposed to extra waterlogged
                   in parts per million or mg per liter. Al Zylstra from   conditions. Aerating irrigation water is important in
                   Dramm comments, “We have watched the awareness   these scenarios to ensure plant roots have access
                   of the importance of dissolved oxygen go from “zero   to oxygen during these events. Growers may utilize
                   to hero” in the horticulture industry inside a relatively   mechanical agitation or aeration of reservoirs between
                   short period of 10 to 15 years. When we first started   or just prior to irrigation events to ensure good
                   promoting the importance of dissolved oxygen   oxygenation or may increase time between irrigations
                   about 16 years ago, there was little awareness of its   to allow for effective dry downs.
                   importance on the part of most growers. Growers
                   were not paying attention to the DO levels in their   NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE
                   irrigation water at all; most didn’t know what DO levels   Nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponics utilize long,
                   were best, adequate and harmful; how to measure it   shallow channels and continuously flowing water
                   or improve it. Today most growers are aware and are   as their plant support and irrigation systems. Water
                   learning fast.”                               inside of channels typically covers no more than the
                                                                 bottom centimeter or so of depth, leaving ample water
                   Oxygen enters water in several ways. Water passively
                   allows oxygen to diffuse into solution from the   and root surface area for oxygen exchange. In these
                   atmosphere at the water surface. Bodies of water with   systems, oxygenation of water happens through
                   larger open surfaces will be better able to passively   passive diffusion across the water surface, as well
                                                                 as mechanical mixing as the water is sprayed into
                   saturate with oxygen. Mechanical agitation through   channels and flows over roots. Dissolved oxygen is
                   the use of circulation pumps can assist this process
                   by breaking smooth surfaces, increasing surface   often not a concern for these systems, unless deeper
                   area, and generally physically mixing air and water.   channels are used. As water depth inside of channels
                   Mechanical aeration takes this a step further: air is   increases, these systems become more similar to
                                                                 deep water culture than NFT systems. It is important
                   actively taken from the atmosphere and forced under   to maintain very shallow depths to achieve proper
                   the surface through air pumps and bubblers, enabling
                   much greater injection of oxygen into water reservoirs.   aeration and irrigation control when using this kind of
                   Different production methods will utilize each of these   production system.
                   methods to different degrees.
                                                                 DEEP WATER CULTURE
                   CONTAINER PRODUCTION                          Deep water culture (DWC) involves maintaining a
                   IN SOILLESS MEDIA                             deeper reservoir of water, with nutrition and pH
                                                                 conditions adjusted for the crop floating on top of
                   Plants of all types can be grown in containers using   the reservoir. In these conditions, plant roots are
                   soilless media and irrigated via wand, overhead   completely and continuously submerged in water
                   sprinklers, drip irrigation, and more. In typical container   during the entire growth cycle. Of all production types,
                   production, dissolved oxygen becomes less of an issue   dissolved oxygen levels have the greatest impact
                   due to the regular dry-down between irrigation events.   on DWC production. In pond lettuce production, for
                   These dry downs allow roots free access to oxygen,   example, lettuce rafts float directly on the top of the
                   preventing waterlogged conditions from harming   water, limiting surface area for oxygen diffusion, and
                   plants. Irrigation water is often mechanically aerated   roots sit directly in the water, absorbing oxygen during
                   via wand or sprinkler heads, ensuring good mixing of   respiration. The opportunities to replenish oxygen
                   air and water prior to reaching pots, and no further   within the water are severely limited. Growers should
                   dissolved oxygen considerations are taken.    include active aeration equipment such as air stones
                                                                 and circulation pumps to adequately supply oxygen
                   EBB AND FLOOD SYSTEMS
                                                                 across the crop.
                   Ebb and flood systems bear many similarities to
                   traditional container irrigation, with a couple key   When all is said and done, growers know that dissolved
                   differences. As the name implies, subirrigation is   oxygen certainly is important. Benefits to growers,
                   utilized to flood the rootzones of plants periodically,   however, will vary based on production system growers
                   rather than top watering. After reaching a certain   are utilizing. Growers should choose aeration strategies
                   irrigation level, water ebbs away, allowing plants to   that best fit their environment and budget.
                   dry down to a certain extent between flood events.

                   IMAGE CAPTIONS: Top - Lettuce grown in deep water culture ponds often benefits the most from additional dissolved oxygen
                   equipment and monitoring. Bottom - Channels of hydroponic lettuce being produced in nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponics options.
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