Page 13 - Griffin Gazette Issue 2 - 2022
P. 13

                                       TRUE BLUE               SERIES
                                       SAKATA                  SYNGENTA FLOWERS

                                       An important color addition   This new 4 color Zinnia
                                       to this popular large   marylandica series, features
                                       flowered viola series.     huge, fully double flowers
                                       New True Blue matches the   on vigorously branched
                                       series for habit and early   plants. Excellent disease
                                       flowering.              resistance and heat and
                                                               drought tolerance make this
                                                               the perfect choice for any
                                                               garden or landscape.

            SALVIA ROCKIN             PENTAS BEEHIVE™           MUEHLENBECKIA             PENTAS
            DEEP PURPLE               WHITE                     BIG LEAF                  STARCLUSTER™
            PROVEN                    SYNGENTA                  PROVEN                    CASCADE RED
            WINNERS                   FLOWERS                   WINNERS                   SYNGENTA FLOWERS
            This popular salvia is    The first spreading pentas   Muehlenbeckia is as    Brand new series of 4 colors
            improved by giving it     from seed, Beehive White   versatile as ivy or vinca in   that were bred for hanging
            a more compact and        is perfect for baskets and   sun and part shade, but   baskets. Large flowers
            floriferous habit. Deep   combinations in high heat   fuller with an airier texture.   with show-stopping color.
            purple flowers with black   and humidity. Excellent   It won’t get lost in medium   Exceptional heat and drought
            calyxes are a strong draw   branching results in full and   vigor combinations. Use   tolerance makes it a perfect
            for pollinators.          fast finish.              this Wire Vine in hanging   choice for high-end summer
                                                                baskets, window boxes or   containers and hanging baskets.
                                                                tall upright containers.

                                                               PEROVSKIA                  BEGONIA BIONIC™
                                                               BLUESETTE                  SYNGENTA
                                                               PANAMERICAN SEED           FLOWERS
            PROVEN WINNERS /WALTERS GARDENS                                               A new hybrid begonia series
                                                               The first compact, branching   featuring a well branched
                                                               and early flowering Perovskia   and symmetrical plant habit
                                                               from seed. Will flower first
            With cascading powder blue foliage, this Panicum is sure to be   year, flowering faster in longer   for superior pot and garden
            a featured plant in the garden. At a height and width of 4', it   days. Bluesette has a long   fill. Excels in sun or shade.
            doesn’t dominate the garden, blending well into bed designs.    flowering period, pleasing   Recommended for quart
            Silver seedheads just adds to the value in the landscape.                     up to 3 gallon pots and
                                                               scent and ornamental foliage.    baskets. 2 bronze and 2
                                                               Attracts bees and butterflies.
                                                                                          green leaf varieties.
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