Page 11 - Griffin Gazette - October November 2024
P. 11

At Proven Winners®, we understand that new plant       It’s essential for Proven Winners to establish a
varieties are the cornerstone of our industry, which   strong presence in the South and Southeast,
is why we’re excited to unveil more than 100 new       where population growth has been on the rise for
varieties for spring 2025. Crafted to inspire repeat   several decades. Many people relocating from
purchases, these plants are top choices gardeners      the North also want to garden with their favorite
will be asking for by name next year.                  plants. Additionally, as northern regions experience
                                                       warmer temperatures, stronger, heat-tolerant plants
“Each plant we introduce to the market undergoes       are becoming increasingly beneficial across the
rigorous testing and evaluation, ensuring they         country.
meet our high standards for performance from the
greenhouse to the garden,” says Kevin Hurd, Proven     While Proven Winners has offered heat-tolerant
Winners vice president of product development.         annuals for many years, there are several new
“We invest years of research into developing each      introductions to keep on your radar. The new
variety, selecting only those with the best genetics   Stardiva® series of Scaevola looked perfect after
for Proven Winners containers.”                        more than 30 weeks in Florida trials, even in high
                                                       heat. As the first-ever Scaevola aemula to feature
Through our rigorous trials in the intense heat of     star-shaped rather than fan-shaped flowers, it gives
Florida and Texas, we’re able to select plants that    a fuller, more compact look than other varieties.
not only thrive under extreme conditions like heat
and drought, but also perform exceptionally well       These trials have shown that when the heat is on,
across the country. We trial annuals in the heat of    the Stardiva series is extremely durable, handling
summer and during the winter to test both heat and     sun, heat, humidity, rain, drought and wind with
cold tolerance for several reasons. Winter trials are  ease. Winning a Perfect Score at the Massachusetts
crucial to evaluating cold sensitivity and determine   Horticultural Society and Top Performer at
which plants can be planted early in the South to      University of Missouri, Michigan State University
establish before the high heat arrives. Then, once     and Penn State, where it also won Director’s Select,
summer arrives, we focus mainly on heat and            this plant has proven its durability in independent
humidity tolerance.                                    trials as well.

Scaevola Stardiva
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